At the Factory.
These pieces sold so quickly that a lot of you missed out but don't fret. Here's another chance. They are all back at the factory getting sewn up right now and will be ready to ship in approximately 2 weeks. I just posted the inventory for pre-orders.

Updated Sale Page.
We've moved some pieces to the sale page! Check it out by clicking on the image below to see if there's a dress you've had your eye on.
Coming soon- search by size! Oh my gosh this will be brilliant. Once Laura is done with her move to Colorado this is on her list of to-dos. :)
Coming soon- search by size! Oh my gosh this will be brilliant. Once Laura is done with her move to Colorado this is on her list of to-dos. :)

Happy 4th.
Have a great day!
love, Lesley
love, Lesley